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Grand Theft Parsons

When former Byrds member and influential country-rock star Gram Parsons (GARBIAL MACHT) dies in the middle of the night, it is up to his best friend and road manager Phil Kaufman (JOHNNY KNOXVILLE) to fulfill his last request. He sets out on a mission to steal Gram’s body and burn it out in the desert that they loved so much.

Festivals & Awards: London F.F., Sundance F.F., Dublin F.F., Nat F.F., Nashville F.F., Titanic International Filmpresence Festival

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Category(ies) Genre(s) Language(s) YoP Duration Format(s) Delivery
Films Adventure, Comedy, Drama English, Portuguese, Spanish; Castilian 2003 01:28:00 HD Via DICE

Rights & Territories

Region / Country Rights Avails
Asia Pacific
OTT - OnDemand Transactional (TVoD)

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