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Athens From Beneath

Greece of the newly poor - the unemployed- climbing their own Calvary, during the unprecedented economic crisis in the country. The film, following the stories of several citizens, features social inequality and injustice. Homelessness, soup kitchens, the overwhelming unemployment rates and the decadence of large sections of society into a newly poor status have turned the dream of prosperity in a socio-economic nightmare. As an artistic project, this documentary follows neither the rules of promotional design nor the superficial glance of a tourist but is as harsh and deconstructed as life itself when it becomes stagnant. But above all it is timely and indispensible if we are to interpret social solidarity, cultural awareness and the need for dialogue.

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Category(ies) Genre(s) Language(s) YoP Duration Format(s) Delivery
Documentaries Culture Greek 2016 01:00:00 HD Via DICE

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