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Jaago: Be the change you want

Aakash on being convinced that the reason for loosing the love of his life was due to lack of him not acting upon in the situation. He takes a vow to not ignore anything that is not acceptable to him no matter what it is. This attitude of him is noticed by the professor who channelizes Aakash's angst into more meaningful and practical journey. Where none of them realises that this small shift in attitude will lead to a major life transforming movement for all involved. 

The relevance of the film as it speaks about being awakened.

We all don't agree with so many things around us but do or not act upon it. This film becomes very relatable and find instant connect for the audience.

Inspiring films are timeless as they are always in demand.

The treatment is so real that imagining oneself as Aakash is so easy for every viewer.

It has that semi commercial vibe in the way the film is treated. 

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Category(ies) Genre(s) Language(s) YoP Duration Format(s) Subtitle Delivery
Films Drama Telugu 2020 01:38:58 4K English Via DICE

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