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Two close friends, Neelu and Madhu, agree that men cannot be trusted, and as such decide to dump their current boyfriends, and marry someone else who meets with the approval of their parents. Shortly thereafter, Madhu is introduced to Chandrakant, whom she likes, and soon both are married. On their honeymoon, she meets with Neelu, who has married Deepak, also her parents' choice. Both are delighted to see other, and cannot wait to meet the others' spouse, little realizing the shock they will get when they do so.

Leena Chandavarkar, Anil Dhawan, Nazima, Suresh Chatwal,

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Category(ies) Genre(s) Language(s) YoP Duration Format(s) Delivery
Films Comedy, Family Hindi 1973 02:08:00 SD Via DICE

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