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Strength: The Sacred Quest (La Fortaleza: El Reto Sagrado)

Originally launched on October 23, 2017, La Fortaleza first broadcast on Canal A + at 7:00 pm as the first reality show on the channel. In this format, 16 contestants put their abilities and strength (both physical and mental) to test.

The 16 participants in are separated into 4 teams. Each team has a captain and is composed of two women and two men who undergo physical challenges, each one being an opportunity to save themselves and remain on the program. The only way to conquer The Fortress and obtain the grand prize will be to confront their fears, weaknesses and limitations.

Different tribes and civilizations in the history of humanity have tried to take power of the sacred Fortress in order to obtain its hidden treasure, a treasure that according to legend will give them absolute power over Earth. The Fortress is a place where only a select few can enter, and only the chosen one can emerge victorious. Each week one contestant is eliminated. The program runs Monday to Friday, and each day a contestant is nominated for elimination leading up to Elimination Friday, when the 4 nominees must defend their place on the program.

Entertainment/Reality Show, 2017 - 2019, Daily

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Formats Reality Show English On Going Not Applicable 4K, HD Via DICE

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