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Marry if You Can (Despedida de Solteros)

Twelve couples about to get married accept the challenge of living a very special bachelor party in two separate houses to test the relationship and see if the marriage is really what they want for their future. They will have to conquer the spectators to reach the end of the program and win the marriage party, the honeymoon and an apartment. We are facing a reality of coexistence whose focus is not the individual stay of the participant in the program, but conflicts of the couple, although the members of each pair are separated from the first moment.

At the moment of the cycle, the point is to see how the experiences of each one affect their partners, who will always be watching them from the other house. The main object will always be the love story, crossed by the insecurities, jealousy, distrust and the always latent possibility of adultery. So we will discover which are the strongest couples and with potential to overcome this winding path to the altar.

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Category(ies) Genre(s) Language(s) Episode(s) Duration Format(s) Delivery
Formats Reality Show, Romance English On Going Not Applicable 4K, HD Via DICE

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