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Everybody Can Dance (Cualquiera Puede Bailar)

It is a multi-platform Talent show that will feed on social networks and promote dance in all areas. Every week the presenters of the show share four choreographies on the website of the program and on the main social networks, and challenge the audience to imitate them. There are three categories of participation: Men, women and couples. The fourth will be danced only by the participants who reach the final. All the choreographies will have an estimated duration of 35 seconds. The 3 winners of the previous competition will face dancing a new theme and can earn 50,000 USD. This time they will have the support of professional coaches and dancers to achieve a great performance in front of the juries.  Each jury will vote individually and will have 25,000 USD to award to the contestants. If the two juries agree, the winner will take 50,000 USD, and if they do not, they will distribute the prize between the two participants. They can also decide that none of the finalists deserve the prize and donate it to a charity.

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Category(ies) Genre(s) Language(s) Episode(s) Duration Format(s) Delivery
Formats Reality Show, Variety English On Going Not Applicable 4K, HD Via DICE

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