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Timeline (Linea de Tiempo)

On TIMELINE you will discover what happened in the life of the celebrities that you always wanted to know, and in addition to knowing their intimacy and anecdotes of life, the public will be able to participate for thousands of dollars. Each night the host will present the invited figure for the interview; we will get to know his story and the anecdotes of the events that marked the course of his life, making him the star character that he is today. Next, a participant will appear to play in Timeline (the game). Each contestant has a story to tell, that will take the viewer to recall unforgettable moments of his life ...


With each question that he or she responds correctly to, the participant adds money to their winnings. The participant must answer 7 questions in total, all related to the most important events during his or her life. If they answer wrongly, the amount corresponding to the question will be debited from the accumulated amount. The more knowledge they have about what happened in the world since they were born, the more possibilities they will have to take thousands of USD.

Celebrity Knowledge/Game/Quiz Show, Daily or Weekly

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Category(ies) Genre(s) Language(s) Episode(s) Duration Format(s) Delivery
Formats Reality Show English On Going Not Applicable 4K, HD Via DICE

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