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The 8 Steps (Los 8 Escalones)

"8 steps" is a show of questions and answers where the contestant must beat Mr. Know-It-All and a guest participant, answering correctly a series of questions, to win the top prize of 50 thousand dollars. The contestant starts from step 1 and chooses who to challenge: he will choose between Mr. Know-It-All or the special guest. He’ll receive his first question and four response options. He must choose an answer and then the expert he is challenging will as well. The contestant has 3 lives. If the contestant and the expert respond correctly, the participant climbs one step. If contestant fails and the expert responds well, the contestant loses a life and goes down a step. If both the contestant and the expert fail the question, the contestant remains on the same step without lose lives. Finally, if the contestant is right and the expert fails, the contestant climbs two steps. The process is repeated until he reaches step 8. The last step is a face-to-face game against Mr. Know-It-All. The contestant must defeat him at least once to win the jackpot. The participants can fail so many times as lives they conserve.

Quiz Show / Game Show, Daily

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Formats Reality Show English 58 Not Applicable 4K, HD Via DICE

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