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Beat the Other Host (Por Una Moneda)

It is a weekly entertainment format for the whole family. 8 teams of friends, family members, coworkers (among others) participate in each episode, which will aim to accumulate as many coins as possible for each challenge they win. The challenges may be physical or intellectual dexterity. Each coin won will give each team the most chance to hit the center of the final game, in order to win.  Participants can try their luck trying to hit the accumulated coins playing the giant target shot that is in the center of the study. This will be the greatest moment of tension and suspense of the program because, although the one that has obtained more coins will have more chances of hitting the center, everything will depend on the good marksmanship of the representative of each team and the luck that accompanies it in this difficult moment.  Only the one who achieves that his coin remains in the center to finalize the game will be the big winner.

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Category(ies) Genre(s) Language(s) Episode(s) Duration Format(s) Delivery
Formats Reality Show English On Going Not Applicable 4K, HD Via DICE

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