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Bet On Your Dog (El Perro de un Million o mi Amigo Fiel)

The show begins when the contestant and his/her pet arrive. Depending on the kind of challenge, the contestant can decide to go to the show with family, partners or friends.

In each program, both contestants (the Owner and the Pet) will have to go through a series of games and challenges. The contestant must prove that the relationship with his/her dog is strong and convincing enough to succeed in guiding the animal safely through each challenge and accomplishing objectives.

It has long been said that dogs look like their owners, and this program shows that many times it is actually true!  Throughout the show we will see how contestants establish a unique and extraordinary bond with their pets during a game. Some contestants use sounds, whistling, toys or leashes, and all of these are rightful means to help the dogs accomplish the objective and make the owner win a fantastic prize. 

Game Show, Daily or Weekly

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Category(ies) Genre(s) Language(s) Episode(s) Duration Format(s) Delivery
Formats Reality Show, Variety English On Going Not Applicable 4K, HD Via DICE

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