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If You Don't Study, You'll Fall (Si No Estudiaste, Caes)

The first quiz show that gives you the questions and the answers. Are you going to miss that opportunity? You can win a wonderful trip with everything paid. Every night the participants can present themselves to answer the questions, after having studied the answers, which are published on the website of the Program.


Contestants come to the show in pairs, in a romantic couple, two relatives or friends. One will be placed on the trap door and the other will answer the questions. If he studied and answers correctly, he will continue in the game, but if not, the partner situated on the trap door will fall and they will leave the place to another couple of participants.  There are 10 questions and just one time a competitor can ask his companion to answer for him. If he answers everything correctly he will win the trip with his companion!

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Formats Reality Show English On Going Not Applicable 4K, HD Via DICE

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