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5 Steps and a Little Help (5 Pasos y Una Ayuda)

A tv game show, similar to 8 steps but with a twist. 6 contestants will bring one personal object. They will compete to get to the final step and sell the host their object, taking the full amount in cash. Only one contestant will get to the final step. The contestants compete answering general knowledge questions.


The host will ask each contestant a question, if the answer is right, the contestant will climb one step. If the answer is wrong the contestant stays where he / she is. For each question, there is a help available from a celebrity, contestants are able to use this help only twice during the 5 steps. If any contestant gets to the final step and wins, the host will “buy” from them their personal object, and the contestant will get the full amount of money. For example: a girl brings her own piano valued by her in 50 thousand USD, if she answers every question right and gets first to the 5th step, the host will keep the piano and the contestant will get the 50 thousand USD.

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Category(ies) Genre(s) Language(s) Episode(s) Duration Format(s) Delivery
Formats Reality Show English On Going Not Applicable 4K, HD Via DICE

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