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Sympathy For Delicious

A newly paralysed DJ gets more than he bargained for when he seeks out the world of faith healing.


Sundance Film Festival-Winner of Special Jury Prize and Nominated to Grand Jury Prize- Dramatic(Mark Ruffalo)

CAST: ORLANDO BLOOM (Pirates of the Caribbean 1/2/3, Kingdom of Heaven),MARK RUFFALO (Zodiac, Rumor Has it),LAURA LINNEY (The Truman Show, Love Actually), Academy Award Nominee JULIETTE LEWIS (Cape Fear, Natural Born Killers)

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Category(ies) Genre(s) Language(s) YoP Duration Format(s) Subtitle Delivery
Films Comedy, Drama English 2010 01:36:00 HD Bulgarian Via DICE

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Asia Pacific
OTT - On Demand (All VoD)
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