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A Novel Romance

Struggling novelist Nate Shepherd and the beautiful Jenny Sparks meet in a fancy New York eatery, each emerging from a comically nightmarish relationship. Their chance encounter leads to the pair becoming unlikely roommates, and despite their numerous differences, the two eventually realise that they have spent their lives waiting for each other's.


New York International Independent Film&Video Festival Winner Audience Award (Best Feature Film), Winner Feature Film Award (Best Actor, Best Actress, Best Feature Film)


SHANNON ELIZABETH (American Pie I-II, Love Actually); MiLENA GOVICH (Law&Order); STEVE GUTTENBERG (Police Academy I-II-III, Three Men and a Baby); MATTHEW DEL NEGRO (The Doghouse); NATALYA RUDAKOVA (Transporter 3);  KELLY BISHOP (Gilmore Girls)

IMDb Request Quote Preview

Category(ies) Genre(s) Language(s) YoP Duration Format(s) Subtitle Delivery
Films Comedy, Drama, Romance English, Portuguese, Spanish; Castilian 2011 01:33:00 HD Bulgarian Via DICE

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Asia Pacific
OTT - On Demand (All VoD)
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