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Focaccia Blues

The real story of the bankruptcy of a McDonalds in 2002 in Altamura, Italy, which could not compete with the focaccias from a local bakery. A mix of tales of people who assisted in this little miracle, local citizens, employees, and a love story between a local woman and an American guy. Also, two famous Italian actors and singers play the song of this particular tale.
A story about local tradition, romance, and comedy.

How is it possible that a McDonald's store, in the middle of its spread all around the world, could fail in a country a few months after its opening? 
It actually really happened in a city in the South of Italy, known for its local bread and focaccias. A funny film documentary about an incredible story, too soon forgotten that shows how traditions and love for food can sometimes defeat even globalization. 

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Category(ies) Genre(s) Language(s) YoP Duration Format(s) Subtitle Delivery
Special Interest, Lifestyle, Films, Documentaries Comedy, Food & Cooking Italian 2009 01:18:00 HD English Offline Delivery

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