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A suburban family comically struggles to maintain their well- to-do lifestyle in their overly materialistic New England community. When a menopausal matriarch (Kyra Sedgwick) pushes her underachieving husband (Vincent D’Onofrio) into a bad real estate deal, the fabric of the family is tested.

Cast: Golden Globe Winner KYRA SEDGWICK(The Closer TV S, Gamer, Something to Talk About); Primetime Emmy Nominee VINCENT D’ONOFRIO(Law&Order:CI TV S, Men in Black); Golden Globe Nominee TOM SIZEMORE(Natural Born Killers,Saving Private Ryan, Witness Protection)

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Category(ies) Genre(s) Language(s) YoP Duration Format(s) Delivery
Films Comedy, Drama English 2013 01:33:00 HD Via DICE

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