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Don't Fade Away

Life was easy for Jackson White (RYAN KWANTEN). With looks, brains, and athletic ability, the possibilities seemed endless.  But when he came to New York City to pursue a career in the music industry, he was so seduced by money and status that he lost track of who he was. Now, with both his personal and professional lives on the brink of disaster, he retreats home to care for his dying father (BEAU BRIDGES). While in North Carolina, he confronts the friends he lost track of and the girl he left behind (MISCHA BARTON).

Cast: Golden Globe Winner BEAU BRIDGES (Fabulous Baker Boys, Stargate: Atlantis, Max Payne), MISCHA BARTON (The O.C., Homecoming, All My Children, the Ring), RYAN KWANTEN (Home and Away, La &Oder: SVU, True Blood)

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Category(ies) Genre(s) Language(s) YoP Duration Format(s) Delivery
Films Drama English, Portuguese, Spanish; Castilian 2010 01:29:00 HD Via DICE

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