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27 Club

Eliot (Joe Anderson) is the surviving member of the rock band Finn after his bandmate and best friend Tom commits suicide a week after his 27th birthday. With the help of small-town boy Three Words (David P. Emrich), and a young Irish hitchhiker, Eliot travels in a drug-enhanced stupor from LA to his hometown in Missouri to carry out Tom’s final request.

Festivals & Awards: Ft. Lauderdale Int.F.F. Winner Spirit of the Independent Award Feature Films & Jury Award Best Actor Drama / Honolulu International Festival (I) : Winner Jury Prize / Milan Int.F.F. (I):Winner Best Director&Film& Screenwriting

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Category(ies) Genre(s) Language(s) YoP Duration Format(s) Delivery
Films Drama English, Portuguese, Spanish; Castilian 2008 01:34:00 HD Via DICE

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