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True Calling

Very much a film for our times, True Calling finds ambitious young UK government minister Josh (David Smith) in a personal crisis on the eve of a critical pre-election debate.

Poised for success, Josh presses pause on his political campaigning and spirits himself to the Yorkshire hometown he left years ago.

Once there, he strolls the streets and countryside, reflecting on the man he was and contemplating the man he wants to be. Meeting up with his former love Maddy (Eliza Marsland), herself facing a crossroads in the form of her imminent wedding, the pair discuss their past, what could have been, and how they each now fit into a changing world.

Taking a graceful detour through UK politics, humanity and purpose, Erik Knudsen’s film tells a timeless story of love, longing and regret, infused with an observant spiritual tone reminiscent of landmark cinema classics such as Denys Arcand’s Jesus Of Montreal, alongside the warmth and humanity of Richard Linklater’s Before Sunrise.

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Films Drama English(UK) 2021 01:28:00 HD English(UK) Via DICE

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